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Does Anyone Care About Valentine’s Anymore?

Confession: i am one of those frustrating individuals who, every February, discusses exactly how valentine’s is a crock of you-know-what because it must not take a special, sickeningly sweet, Hallmark-y holiday to tell one to love your partner. Every year it gets hipper to dislike on romantic days celebration, concise that the scales virtually appear positioned to trick back in the other course. In 2015, will the cooler-than-thou kids must start celebrating V-Day versus condemning it? What a strange world that will be…

Even though the anti-Valentine’s Day causes tend to be loud, it would appear that many of us tend to be privately honoring anyway. eHarmony questioned 3000 men and women should they had plans for valentine’s 2014 and about 64percent of those mentioned that they would end up being investing the break with special someone. This is what they’d in the pipeline (or perhaps not):

  • 17per cent of men and women said that they had maybe not prepared everything during the time of the survey (which had been accomplished just 3 days before Valentine’s Day!).
  • 6per cent stated they’d placed countless planning into the occasion.
  • We, unsurprisingly, decrease somewhere in the center – they’d place at least a small amount of idea into the getaway, but weren’t heading all-out.
  • Men had been the romantics associated with lot. While ladies had been more prone to say that they had done little to no preparation after all, men were more likely to state they’d completed a fair amount of preparation or some planning their own valentine.

Great news for wedded folks: marriage might get a terrible rap for dulling the spark, nevertheless harm – at the least in which romantic days celebration can be involved – is severely overstated. Partners have been gay dating apps solely happened to be more than likely getting strategies, at 89%, but at 82percent married couples weren’t far behind. Couples who have been engaged had been the lowest expected to make any plans, perhaps since they are too active preparing their particular wedding parties.

Once the big day finally shows up, this is what we are doing:

  • 37per cent of individuals check out meal along with their honeys.
  • 26percent choose an intimate meal in.
  • 18% miss out the supper one half completely and get right to a film big date.
  • 71% of individuals plan to give their particular valentine a gift (79per cent of men, 65percent of women).
  • Women placed their own present tastes similar to this: blooms (17%), precious jewelry (16per cent), closeness (17%), a card (12%), and a day spa day (11percent).
  • Men voted strongly in support of intimacy while the ideal Valentine’s Day gift (40per cent), but then in-line was actually a card (11percent).

as well as all naysayers, eHarmony additionally learned that the biggest explanations individuals say they celebrate Valentine’s Day tend to be love, connection, and real enjoyment for the holiday.